User Management

In Dost, you can add as many users as you need and manage their roles with ease. Here's how

Accessing User Management

Go to Your Profile > User Management. You’ll see two main tabs:

  1. User
  2. Roles

1. “User” Tab

If you’re an administrator, this tab allows you to:

  • View all users in your company and the roles assigned to each of them.
  • Invite new users: Click the Invite Users button in the top-right corner. Simply enter the user's email address and assign them a role. They’ll receive an invitation to join Dost.
  • Can’t add users? Try completing your information in User > My Account.

2. “Roles” Tab

This section lets you manage access levels across the platform.

  • Dost provides two default roles: Administrator and User.
  • If you need a custom role, click on Add New Role.

To create a new role:

  1. Assign a name to the role.
  2. Define the permissions by selecting read or edit access for each area of the platform.

Once configured, these roles can be assigned to your users.

With these tools, you can efficiently manage your team’s access and functions in Dost. Start now and keep your team organized!